Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oakley Road Trip 3/26 - 3/27 2011

Here's the Twitterized version of the road trip to Oakley to pick the kids up!

Checked out new 24/7 Travel Stop along I70 west of Top City - so new it isn't even finished inside - nice!

The wolf kept eating the sheep on Katie's Scribblenauts game - sad

Debated whether I'd rather have a tiger in my bed or 10 goats in my bathroom

Entertained ourselves by watching Chesney's alligator float around in the hot tub, alternately looking as though it were dead (floating upside down) or as though it were a real small alligator stalking us

Went to Mittens truck stop at 11 pm to get snacks, came back and read (me and Katie) and watched TV (Chesney & Allie) and played on the computer (Morgan) in our room, chillaxing

Allie threw a hard boiled egg at me in the breakfast room

Snow, when last time I was there I sunbathed on that porch!

Checked out the Buffalo Bill statue (Buffalo Bill and a buffalo.)  Allie said, "It looks like he's (Bill) stabbing him (buffalo)," and Katie said it was a rifle and I explained that they used to shoot buffaloes to eat their meat, and use their hides to make clothes and boots and blankets.  Allie then said, "Oh yeah, like porcupines, they kill them to make blankets, too."

Saw first half of awful KU game at Pizza Hut in Russell

The wind turbines look awesome even in the fog - Allie's quote "They're HUGE!"

Stopped in Abilene for snacks

Nitro got a beard

Gas pump didn't shut off and it was spilling over at the Topeka service area - at $3.57/gal, can't afford that to happen!